Swimming pool regulations: safety first and foremost

Every year, summer is a time for memorable moments. Whether it’s barbecues with friends or pool parties with loved ones, there’s every reason to get together and enjoy the good weather.
However, summer is also a time for a lot less fun. Every year, many drownings are reported. Whether these unfortunate events occur in a stream or a pool, the impact is the same. Safety measures are therefore essential to prevent terrible tragedies as far as possible.
Owning a swimming pool is a luxury enjoyed by many Quebecers. However, installing a pool does not come without precautions and implications. In fact, are you familiar with the regulations surrounding swimming pools? Let’s find out in this article.
Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulations
There are strict regulations governing swimming pools in Quebec. These regulations are set out in the “Règlement sur la sécurité des piscines résidentielles“, which has the force of law at the provincial level. In addition to complying with this legislation, you may also have to comply with standards set by your municipality. In fact, each municipality may have its own by-laws concerning residential pools, to ensure that swimming is as safe as possible.
Some basic regulations
The “Règlement sur la sécurité des piscines résidentielle” requires you to comply with certain safety rules.
While this may mean additional costs or the reorganization of your landscaping, it’s imperative that you comply.
First of all, your pool, whether inground, semi-inground or above-ground, must be surrounded by an enclosure (fence, low wall, etc.). If you have an above-ground pool with walls measuring 1.2 m or less, an enclosure is mandatory. If you have a demountable pool, such as those found in big-box stores, an enclosure is mandatory if the walls measure 1.4 meters or less.
For this reason, fences installed around swimming pools must be at least 1.2 m high and prevent the passage of a 10 cm round object. This also means that the fence or enclosure in question must not be climbable. For your information, mesh fences such as those found in schoolyards do not comply with this regulation, as they are easy to climb. A slatted fence, for example, is preferable.
What’s more, the enclosure in question must include a door equipped with an automatic latch that locks when the door is closed. This safety device is mandatory.
As for your land, the terrace or patio adjacent to your pool must be fenced. Don’t forget that a municipal permit is required to install a pool. This applies to both the installation of a new pool and the replacement of an old one. A municipal permit is also required for the installation of an access fence. You can easily do all this at the same time to simplify the task!
Key points :
- Fence around the pool
- Automatic door latch
- Fenced yard
In addition to the regulations governing physical facilities, numerous safety instructions generally accompany swimming. Safety measures can take many forms, and include the following:
- No running around in-ground pools
- Do not dive (unless otherwise permitted by the depth of the pool)
- Never leave a child unsupervised (an adult must be present at all times).
- Do not swim in thunderstorms
- Keep life-saving equipment nearby
In short, to make the most of every swim, make sure you comply with all regulations and safety measures. This will ensure your peace of mind, and you’ll be able to enjoy your pool parties even more!